Wednesday, September 14, 2011

GRAND DESING - Idolizer (Release: 28th Oct, 2011)

Here we go with the second effort by this swedish band that bring us back to the 80's with a polished Hard Rock. Once upon a time Hard Rock ruled the charts all around the world, at that time the reference band was  DEF LEPPARD because of their personal sound and amazing song writing so many bands decided to try to sound like them, it happened to BB STEAL, realising a good album called On The Edge, it happened again with BRYAN ADAMS, with a masterpiece Waking Up The Neighbours, and a cople of decades later it happens again with GRAND DESIGN. The beautiful part of this story is that those were amazing albums but the sad part is that those albums were the swan song by BB STEAL, BRYAN ADAMS and DEF LEPPARD themselves... I hope that story not to repeat with GRAND DESIGN.
Said that, this is a good album, if you are DEF LEPPARD fan. The cd keeps the line of their previous effort with rocking vibe and nice production. The album opens with Get On With The Action, good rockin' track that could have been part of Adrenalize becoming a Leppard's hit. Change Me Up is a catchy song that keeps that rockin' feel while Oughtograugh accelerates the rhythm leading us to a smooth mid-tempo Your Loves A Runaway, another lepparian track in the vein of Hysteria or Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)... one the highlights of this album. Time to jump to Addiction For Love the only ballad in the album sounding much to Love Bites, anyway a beautiful song while Idolize Me reminds of Rocket because of the drums rythm. I left for the end Lets Rawk The Nite, the absolute highlight, funny, fresh, catchy and if you close your eyes you'll think you're listening Joe Elliot though Pelle Shaeter can reach higher notes.

In summary, a good album but too similar to DEF LEPPARD. Goods new are that this album is even better than the albums of the last ten years by DEF LEPPARD but bad news are that this album is light years away from all the others albums by DEF LEPPARD... if you want to sound too similar too another band you have to offer something special and that's not the case.

Sound bites:

Lets Rawk The Nite

Get On With The Action

Best Tracks (in order of preference):

Lets Rawk The Nite
Get On With The Action
Your Loves A Runaway 

 This album is worth of 4 out of 5 ROCKS!!!

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